Tips for dealing with angry customers in the supermarket

During the work day, you may face a lot of troubles, and one of the most troubles is the anger of customers and how you deal with them in order to keep them as permanent customers of your store.

First, you should know that dealing with angry customers in general will lead to one of the following two possibilities:

The first: solve the problem and gain customer satisfaction.

The second: losing the customer.

In general, anger is nothing but the client’s way of bargaining to obtain greater benefits than he obtained previously, and therefore the client here is looking for a greater benefit that you must give him, if he has the right.

Here we will provide tips for dealing with an angry customer and gaining his satisfaction, which are as follows: 

1- Remain calm: The customer is talking about his problem with the store, not with you personally, so you must maintain your calm so that you can understand the problem and solve it.

2- Listening to the client: You must understand what he says and interpret his words and body language. Once you analyze the situation, you respond by reflecting the thoughts and feelings you heard to your client.

3- Divide the problem: Divide the customer’s problem into parts and try to understand the solution to each part separately, and determine the steps you will take to solve each part of his problem.

4- Repeat what the customer says during the conversation: This will confirm to him that you are interested in the problem and are seeking to solve it.

5- Thanking the customer for drawing special attention to his problem because it may be the problem of other customers, but instead of filing a complaint, they changed the store.

6- Make an appointment with him to follow up on resolving the problem and ensure that it is resolved.

Following these steps with your angry customers will ensure they are loyal to your store and feel connected to it.

 Keywords: supermarket, customer anger, problems, customer loyalty.